martes, agosto 26, 2008

Neither do I...

We won't let it out, but you know we will let it go... How if I still miss you? It is up to you?, or It's up to me? Just keep going..., please keep going. I'll always trust in you.

The music is all around us, all you have to do is listen...

7 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

You know it all, u know I miss you, and that's up to me, u know I've wished to be "you", and that's up to you. Why do I dare to tell again the truth? Would it be because despite your oversight I still love you?

zocadiz dijo...

Extrañar es responsabilidad de quien lo siente, no de quien se fue.
¿Dónde andas?

patzarella dijo...

someone.., who are you ???

zocadiz: en la tierra de st patrick's !!! una gozada !!

Anónimo dijo...

Creo que te lo dije, pero te lo repito: yo creo en ti.

Anónimo dijo...

It doesn't matter, I could be anybody. But don't worry, whoever I am, "someone" would still have written your first post in this entry ;)

patzarella dijo...

"el de la lasagna", jaja, nadie confunde lasagna con paella...

someone: Yulen !!! Podr'ias dejar de escribir "as someone" en mi blog y decir por mail q fuiste tu??? You know I hate it! Thank's! :-)

Anónimo dijo...

Huh? I think u need to check your e-mail again. Do whatever u wish with your words but I care about mine, please don't ever waste them again like like this.
Thanks! :)